Monday, November 15, 2010

Less than three months left! :0

Time has flown by insanely fast in the last few months... It's already been almost 3 months since my last blog entry, although it has felt like only 1! And i am now in my 8th month here, with less than 3 months left to go... although i am gonna miss this place heaps, i do miss australia a lot too!

So what has happened in the last few months? Hmmmm... well a whole lot really.. so i guess i can give a short summary of what i've been doing, and facebook photos can explain the rest. Pictures tell a thousand words, so that might be better anyways :)

So the big events after the KGK summer camp:

1) Osaka, Nara, Kobe trip with miss Hanna Cho was AWESOME! (Photos are up on facebook) Kobe didn't have much, and the Kobe beef was super expensive but quite nice :) Weather was disgusting throughout the whole week though, so we didn't feel like doing much.

2) Kyoto trip with the Yamanashi Daigaku people was AWESOME! (Photos are up on facebook)
Made me wanna live in Kyoto :D

3) Farewells to the Frenchies - Ben and Pierre, was quite sad... but i will probably see those guys again in the future anyways! (Farewell photos are up on facebook)

4) New Gaijins have arrived! (photos of the gaijins are up on facebook) Admittedly i was thinking it'd be hard to find awesome gaijins like the last ones, but this time round we got quite close very quickly! Awesome stuff :)

5) Church camp was nice :) (photos should be up on facebook...)

6) KGK summer camp reunion was good fun :) Was nice seeing those guys again! (I don't think i took any photos though, so no photos on facebook)

7) Uni culture festival was awesome fun! There were heaps of random costumes at the parade, and some rather disturbing ones too... Our Christian group (connected with KGK) did a Christmas themed thingy and handed out quite a few bilingual Gideon New Testament Bibles! We had record numbers this year! In previous years we had about 20 - 30 people come to the stall, this year we had 85ish! And most received Bibles :) Praise God! (Photos should be up on facebook :) )

8) Christian group outing to Shosenkyo last saturday. Was AWESOME! Shosenkyo is one of the nicest, if not THE nicest place i've ever been :) Yamanashi is famous for its awesomeness in Autumn, and Shosenkyo is in the top 10 most awesome places in all of Japan. I'm going again this coming sunday! :D It was also good to see some of the first years come on the trip :) They're not very regular, so it was nice spending some time with them. Praying that they will be able to grow and help out the group as leaders (we're really running short on leaders for next year...)

Other than all that, God has been amazingly awesome in giving me so many rich experiences this year! I haven't held the English conversation class very much in the past month because of a bunch of stuff, but it was running quite well. One of the chinese girls who came has become rather interested in Christianity and now wants to come to Bible studies when she has time! Previously she went to church once and found ti very boring so she didn't go again. But God seems to have moved her heart :D Please pray that she will be able to come to Bible studies in the future :)

Running English conversation classes and teaching English to others has been quite enjoyable actually. Ever since starting i've been thinking that perhaps this is what God wants me to do. Perhaps i will be able to come back to Japan and do the JET program here (teaching english). And while doing so, i may be able to do some mission work here :) Still don't really know, but it seems like a big possibility at the moment.

Japanese classes have gotten rather difficult, and i'm taking a Japanese history class that is absolutely impossible for me to understand... so that's pretty bad... but the Japanese work doesn't take up too much of my time, and i haven't got many classes, but i still manage to fail at studying. I'm happy that i have free time, but often i spend it on the wrong things i think... it's hard to know how i should spend the rest of my time here... so please pray that i may be wise with that!

Recently i've been reading "A Call to Spiritual Reformation". I stopped ages ago, which was a bad idea because this book is AWESOME! It has really taught me a whole lot about prayer, and i will probably need to read through it again some time. But yeah... awesome! I highly recommend it! :D

Anyways, that was quite a brief summary, but i think i got most the main stuff down! I now need to get ready to go to teach English and earn some extra cash :)

Stay awesome friends!! :D

1 comment:

  1. three months condensed into one post!
    pretty good! :)
    make the most of those 3 months!!
