Sunday, April 18, 2010

Beautiful day part 2

As you can see i have a lot of free time today :) We were gonna watch a movie tonight but someone else has occupied the tv and lounge room so it looks like we can't :( Oh well! I realised i forgot to add prayer points at the end of the last post so i'll do it this time.


So a few of us went hiking today in the nearby mountains - and i gotta say it was quite beautiful up there :) Not just up there but the area is also very nice. The Takeda Shrine area is also very very nice. We were around that area around 6 so it was rather dark but that added to the effect. My camera can't really take good night photos though so bummer, but it was awesome anyways. I've got the pictures in my head, i just wish i could show them! Anyways i guess there are just some things you really just gotta see yourself! It was like being in an adventure movie, or some awesome rpg :)

All in all it's been an awesome day :D I look forward to future adventures too :) We've got golden week coming up (a week full of public holidays) so i hope to be able to go to tokyo for a bit, then to an amusement park near mount fuji called "fuji-kyuu". I've heard the rides there are pretty insane! Looks like it's gonna be one expensive trip!

As for photos, i shall upload them on facebook soon hopefully! (My camera's battery is charging)

Praise God for:
- Safe adventures
- Awesome foooooood :)
- Beautiful weather
- Great company
- His amazing creation
- Allowing me to finally meet the KGK and church people :D
- The warm and friendly atmosphere of the church i'll be attending
- Just being an awesome God :)

Please pray for:
- The growth of the churches and KGK
- That i learn how to spend my money wisely
- That i may learn the language quickly
- That i may be humble and loving to everyone i meet

Thanks guys :D

1 comment:

  1. will be praying for you & KGK (:
    maybe by the time you come back you'll be more comfortable praying in japanese! :D
    keep shining as salt & light!
