I know it's been about a week since my last blog entry, and a whole lot has happened, so forgive me if this is too long for you to read, but i'll see if i can cut it down a bit :) If you want photos, check out my facebook! There are plenty there :D If you just wanna pray for me, scroll all the way down to the bottom for the list of prayer points, and thank you!
The following are not necessarily in chronological order, but that should be fine right? :)
Heaps of things to organise
So the last week has been slightly stressful, but still enjoyable. I've had to do my alien registration, get medical insurance, register for my classes, open a bank account, learn how to do international money transfers and get a phone. Of course, being in a foreign country and not knowing the language well has proven to be quite difficult, but thankfully my tutor (fujimoto tomoki - a 1st year masters student in Education) helped me heaps in all these things (they're paid to help us do all these things really!). So now most of these things are done, just still gotta work out how best to transfer money, and i gotta work out a few things with rent and all. It's been a bit crazy, learning to be more independent, but it's been heaps of fun at the same time! Living out on your own in a foreign country obviously presents heaps of challenges, but i'm up for whatever God might wanna throw at me, as i know that He'll be there to guide me through it all no matter what happens :) Anyways, it's an amazing opportunity to learn and to grow, so i'm grateful that things are the way they are. I trust that the good and the bad will be used to shape me.
Class starts!
So classes just started this week and i feel that there's gonna be a whole lot of work to do. I've come to realise how terrible my language skills are, as i have struggled so much with expressing myself clearly. My vocabulary doesn't extend very far, and although i can string sentences together without many problems, i'm very limited in what i can say. But anyways, i guess that's one of the reasons i'm here, and although it'll be a slow process, i'm reminded that God is using this to build me up as well (thanks for the encouragement shirley kwan!). So i'm now taking 7 subjects for this semester. Now that might sound like a lot, but it actually means that i've only got 10.5 hours of class each week :) That's 1.5 hours per lesson, and only one lesson per subject per week. We have to attend most classes, and so there may be a bit of a problem with me going on mission in june and july :( Well i'm sure these things will work out in the end though :D Anyways, it's been really interesting joining some of these classes. So far the classes i've taken were: Japanese expressions, a culture class conducted completely in English (with Japanese students as well) and a similar culture class conducted completely in Japanese. The other subjects i have yet to start are a few language classes and a calligraphy class :) This is gonna get pretty crazy but i'm looking forward to it nonetheless. Still, forgive me if i don't have time to blog!
One thing they do here that they don't do in Australia is a health test thing they have at the beginning of every year at uni (actually, i think they do it at school too). I don't think i had to do it (it seems that the other international students didn't have to do it anyways), but my tutor said i had to, so i did. It was interesting anyways :) They do a few medical check ups - ask you things about your medical history, check your height and weight, take x-rays, urine tests etc. The whole thing took about 2 hours :(
Japanese mobile phones are...AWESOME :D
So last week i went to get my phone (photos are up on facebook - the phone i got is really nice and sleeeek :D), and in comparison to australia, the rates here are awesome! I pretty much get free emails to any mobile here in Japan, and to any other email around the world :D I think there is a limit but it's pretty hard to reach anyways :P Since i don't make many calls, i chose this plan, and i get a discount too. I pay about 10-15 bucks a month for almost unlimited free emails :) Love it! I also use the phone for its bilingual dictionary function. I mean it's a bit limited but it does the job in a lot of cases. Still i should probably get an electronic dictionary anyways.
It's nice being here and being able to get in touch with Kaori and Nagisa again though :) It also seems that Hanna and Alen are having heaps of fun over in Yokohama and Tokyo :D
Takeda Shingen samurai parade, matsuri, taiko drums
Over the weekend they held a festival in commemoration of one of history's notable warlords (i think) and so we spent most of saturday out at this festival. So we walked to the castle, where there were heaps of stalls, and although the food was kind of expensive in some places, it was quite an awesome experience :) The day did turn out to be kinda boring though, as we spent a whole lot of time watching this parade where thousands of people dressed up as samurai, all so that we could see this famous actor dress up as takeda shingen lol... but it was still kinda cool to see anyways. While we were waiting (we waited at one spot for several hours) this old lady came up to us randomly and started talking to us (that actually happens quite a lot here - the old people are really friendly!). When i told her that i was Chinese she started going on about...i have NO idea what, and that continued for like 10 minutes. Victor and i were just like "what the heck is this lady talking about!?" and by the end of it we were just like "haha....okaaay then". I mean she was nice, but i just had no idea what she was talking about...
Anyways, the next day a few of us went over to the castle again to check out a taiko drums stage performance. I've got a few videos of some of their performances (i'm actually quite surprised, but my ipod nano shoots videos in unexpectedly good quality for something so small!) but i was pretty sad when the memory on my camera died out at the climax of the first performance we saw :( Yeah, epic fail lol... i should have just taken all of the videos with my nano! I'll know better next time :)
No contact with any Christians yet :(
So i guess you can say this is epic fail organisation on my part, but i haven't been able to visit any churches or join the Christian group KGK here yet. No one's replying me with any details :( I feel quite deprived right now but i'm praying that i'll be able to meet some Christians soon! Actually, i heard about a KGK dinner / prayer meeting that was on last night, so i went to the place they were meeting at the right time but i couldn't find them :( I didn't have the organiser's number either so that was a bit of an epic fail :(
A Jap dude curious about Christianity?
In one of my classes yesterday we had to form groups and introduce ourselves. There were 5 questions, and the last one (this was a God-send!) was "what is the one thing you hold most dear to you". So of course i was then able to tell them all that i am a Christian :D After class, a friendly first year (Kentarou) from my group started asking me about why i held that so dear to me, coz everyone else was saying how they held family and friends dearest to them. Turns out i then had an awesome opportunity to explain my faith to him, and although i explained it quite badly in broken Japanese, i feel that it may have gotten through to him, and he seems quite curious about Christianity, as i would be the first Christian he has ever met. Indeed it seems there is a huge need here. I mean this guy is 18 years old and all he sees Christmas as is a time to have fun! He told me he sort of followed the buddhist beliefs of his parents, but he never followed it strictly. He doesn't know what to believe, so this may be a great opportunity for me! It's amazing how God works to bring people closer to Him. I'm hoping and praying that God will use me to make a difference here, however small that might be. It's not by my strength that i can do any of this, it's all by His providence.
Movie nights!
It's fairly cheap to rent movies here, and we've got one TV in the lobby of the dorms. It's been nice having movie nights there :) So we borrowed 3 movies - pretty old movies but quite enjoyable - Stardust, Narnia 1 and 2. Stardust was quite an enjoyable movie :) It didn't get very good ratings but i quite liked it anyways. I haven't seen narnia 2 yet, but it was really nice watching narnia 1 again, and looking at how C.S. Lewis adapted the Gospel in such a great way. It was a beautiful reminder that God is both our King and our Redeemer, the Lion of Judah - ruler of all. In the story - Lucy, the youngest, is the most innocent - the "child" of whom Jesus speaks - as He welcomes children into His kingdom - those who are meek and innocent. Then there's Edmund - the prodigal son who goes out to get whatever he wants, caring little for those around him, until he realises that what's on the other side cannot give him what he needs. Seeing Edmund repent brought tears to my eyes - and although it's not meant to be a sad movie or anything, it was very moving to see how he was forgiven - how God welcomed him back despite all his wrongdoing. Then there's the Lion Aslan's sacrifice to break the "Deep Magic" that binds us all - the only way we can possibly be saved from the death we all deserve. It's a great comfort is it not?
It's been quite the awesome reading Ecclesiastes. It's given me great encouragement to study these words of Solomon - a man who's been to the top - a king with everything you could ever want - a man known to be one of the wisest kings in history. Even after gaining all these things he realises that none of these things mean a thing - they'll all be gone when we die. No matter how much we accumulate, no matter how hard we work, no matter how many friends we make - none of it means a thing, because death frustrates it all. Death makes everything a "mist" - everything in life is a "mist" - a mystery - impossible to get a hold of, impossible to understand. So i think we can all empathise with Solomon as he cries over our helplessness. But we can rejoice with him as he reminds us that there is something much more worth it than living life to seek gain - that is to live to seek and please the one who created us the way we are. To live in such a way that we rely on His grace in our lives. Just as we accept His grace when we accept His salvation, so we accept His grace for everything He provides us in our daily lives. Our lot is to enjoy the things He has given us and be thankful - to praise Him for the works of His hands. This is one of the passages that struck me the hardest:
"People can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their toil. This too, i see, is from the hand of God, for without Him, who can eat or find enjoyment? To the person who pleases Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner He gives the task of storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind."
The only thing we can do is rely on His grace in our lives, and accept that we need Him. Then the blessings will flow. There is no point in seeking gain in our own lives, because there is nothing to be gained - we brought nothing into the world, and so we can take nothing out of it. None of it is ours to own - the things we have are simply possessions - transient and soon to disappear - like a mist. Solomon isn't being pessimistic about life - he is simply facing the facts. And he knows that the only way to live in such a world as this is to acknowledge the one who put us here and has allowed us to enjoy these things. We can rest easy, knowing that there is only one thing we should be striving for - God's glory.
It brings me great comfort then, in a land abounding in materialism, to be reminded that the things in life are simply transient, and that there is no point chasing after the things that a lot of people will chase after. Thus i shall give my life to honour the one from whom the blessings flow, rather than give my life up for the blessings themselves - the material, transient things of this life. I only have one direction in life, and God has put me here for His purposes!
Prayer points
Praise God for:
- the book of Ecclesiastes and the things He has taught me through it
- all the help i have received from kind people here
- Kentarou - the guy who's curious about Christianity
- allowing me to settle in, and get most the important things done
- the great experiences i've had so far
- the new friends i've made
- His amazing love and mercy, saving even a sinner as wretched as myself
- writers like C.S. Lewis, those who use their talents to convey God's word to the world
Please pray:
- that i can soon get in contact with the Christians here
- that i may be a good witness to the people here
- that i may grow daily in my walk with Him
- that i may grow in love for those who are lost
- that i may understand His will for me in my life
- for Kentarou and others like him, who are curious about Christianity
- that i will be attentive in class and motivated to study hard, and that i may quickly get a hang of communicating in Japanese
- that i will be humble, and looking to God for His providence, and trusting in His amazing grace
Thanks so much for being patient with me :)